According to an 1899 account, the Lung family of Harwinton, Connecticut and Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania descended from a Heinrich Lange, born in Brunswick, who was captured at the Battle of Bennington and held prisoner in Connecticut: Henry W. Lung was born in Rush, Susquehanna County, Pa., May 14, 1824. His father, Warren Lung was born in Harwinton township, Litchfield County, Conn. His father was Heinrich Lange, (so spelled by him) who was born in Brunswick, Germany, and was a soldier in the British army in the war of the revolution, taken prisoner at Bennington, Vt., in 1777 and held in Connecticut. Heinrich remained in America and married Elizabeth Bartholomew. To them were born Warren (1789) and Alanson (1791). p. 356, The Historical Record devoted principally to the early history of Wyoming valley and contiguous territory with notes and queries. Volume VIII, Edited by F. C. Johnson, 1899 From a family tradition recorded by Rick Sterling: "Family tradition says Heinrich gave himself up to a Sgt. Warner at Battle of Saratoga ... Sgt Warner was wounded and Heinrich attended to his wounds and helped Warner return to his farm in CT. There Sgt Warner eventually died of his wounds and Heinrich married his wife Elizabeth (Bartholomew) Warner. After four years of this marriage and 3 children later, Heinrich learned that he might get an amnesty and receive some back pay from the Hessian gov't. After boarding the ship to go to Germany he was never seen again. Neither was the ship." source: Note: Elizabeth Bartholomew was married to a Moses B. Warner who died on October 15, 1782, five years after the Battle of Saratoga. Seven years later, an Elizabeth Warren (Warner?) married "Henry Lang" on December 24, 1789 in Harwinton, Connecticut. A listing of prisoners captured at Bennington lists a man with a similar name who was wounded and taken prisoner at Bennington: Regiment Specht... Captain Dahlstierna's Company Wounded taken prisoner: Heinrich Langel...? pp. 63-64, The Plight of the Brunswick Soldiers, by Claus Reuter Clifford Neal Smith lists who men with similar names who were captured during Burgoyne's invasion and later stayed in America: Left Service: Name Birthplace Age How, Where, When Lange, Heinrich Seesen 23/09 A Salisbury 1778 Langelueddcke, Heinr. Berlingen 32/00 A Bennington 1777 A = Deserter p. 26, Brunswick Deserter Immigrants of the American Revolution by Clifford Neal Smith Heinrich Lange from Seesen has the same exact name and was born in the Duchy of Brunswick, but was captured at the Battle of Saratoga and deserted in Salisbury township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania which is 405 kilometers from Harwinton, Connecticut. Also, he was not held captive in Connecticut, but was marched with the Convention Army to Cambridge, Massachusetts and later deserted while being marched to Virginia. The second man, Heinrich Langelueddcke was wounded and captured at the Battle of Bennington. Though his last name is not Lange, such a long and foreign name could easily have gotten shorted to Lange and/or Lung by the Americans. Also, though he was serving in the Brunswick army, he was born in Berlingen, a town in the Rhineland 419 kilometers from Brunswick. He was in the 5th Company of the Specht Regiment. Both Heinrichs served in the Specht Regiment. Heinrich Lange from Seesen served in the Leib Company under Captain Jaeger and Heinrich Langelueddcke served in the 5th company under Captain von Dahlstiern. ======================== My descent from 5x great grandfather Heinrich Lange or Langelueddcke: 212. Heinrich Lange or Langelueddcke 106. Alanson Lung (1794-1861) 53. Sarah Elizabeth Lung (1825-1879) 26. William Wallace Magee (1850-1912) 13. Bertha Elizabeth Magee (1885-1948) 6. Wallace Lee Babcock (1905-1959) 3. Clara B. Babcock 1. Anthony D'Agostino
May 15, 1776 Specht Regiment marches out of Wolfenbuettel, Germany. May 28, 1776 Specht Regiment arrives at Stade, Germany. May 29, 1776 Specht Regiment takes oath of allegiance to British Crown. May 30, 1776 Specht Regiment embarks at Stade for their voyage to Canada. September 17, 19, and October 6, 1776 Specht Regiment arrives in Canada. August 16, 1777 Battle of Bennington. September 19, 1777 First Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm). October 7, 1777 Second Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights). October 17, 1777 Burgoyne surrenders.